We are gathering INSIDE at 10:30am on Sunday with no ABF hour prior

TYC Conversation Guide (9.29.21)

Passage: James 1:19-27

This week, we're looking at James 2:1-13. We live in a "I'll scratch your back if you scratch my back," kind of world. It's easy to do nice things for people who do nice things for us. This week I want to challenge our teens about how they view others. Do they view others through the lens of "what can this person do for me?" or through the lens of "this person is loved by Jesus who has been put across my path for a purpose."? This is so important because the way we treat others indicates what we believe about God.

What do we want our teens to know?
  • Playing favorites is not God’s heart
  • Playing favorites just gets you into deeper trouble
  • Playing favorites is sin

What do we want our teens to do?
  • Remember what Christ has done for you
  • Love others the way that Jesus loves them.

Ways to follow up with your teen this coming week:
  • Talk with your family about how much other people watch us as followers of Jesus to see if our "talk" is consistent with our "walk."
  • Reflect on this question together as a family: What would people say about Jesus if they only had your life as an example?
  • Ask your teen(s) this question on a regular basis: How can you reach out to someone this week and show them love?

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