We are gathering INSIDE at 10:30am on Sunday with no ABF hour prior

TYC Conversation Guide (10.13.21)

Passage: James 3:1-13

This week, we're looking at James 3:1-13. In a world of 280 characters and messaging at the instantaneous tips of our fingers, saying something we regret or using our words to hurt others is a whole lot more convenient because we don't actually have to face the person we're "talking to." Yet, our words still get us into trouble all of the time. This week we want to help our teens reflect on what their words say about them because as Matthew 12:34 says, "For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

What do we want our teens to know?
  • The more you talk, the more trouble you're likeing to get into
  • Your tongue is incredibly powerful for its size
  • Your tongue is the messenger, not the message

What do we want our teens to do?
  • Understand what to do when our words betray us
  • Look to God to help change our hearts and our words

Ways to follow up with your teen this coming week:
  • Share about a time (or 2 or 12) where your words caused a conflict that could have been avoided.
  • Reflect on this question together as a family: What does the way each of you communicate say about you?
  • Challenge your teens throughout this week to think about how their words describe their hearts. Use moments and opportunities in regard to what they say as teachable moments to reveal their heart. 

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