Calvary Kidz Wednesdays
What we are Learning: Join us for Wednesday nights as we look into Jesus’ teaching the Sermon on the Mount.
Wednesday nights will feature interactive notebooks, trimester reward parties, and a renewed focus on Family Nights.
Family Nights: A chance for the WHOLE FAMILY to spend time together. Come join your kids for a night of fun.
Wednesday nights will feature interactive notebooks, trimester reward parties, and a renewed focus on Family Nights.
Family Nights: A chance for the WHOLE FAMILY to spend time together. Come join your kids for a night of fun.

Calvary Kidz Wednesday is our discipleship opportunity for kids 4-years-old (by Sep 1) through 6th grade that meets on Wednesday nights throughout the school year.
What to expect: The evening includes fellowship play time, singing, preaching, small group time, and gym games.
What to expect: The evening includes fellowship play time, singing, preaching, small group time, and gym games.